Help starts here.

Voted “2024 Nonprofit of the Year” by Waukesha County Business Alliance

For more than 40 years, Hebron Housing Services has been an advocate and a resource in our community. Today, we are the largest nonprofit provider of services to unhoused men, women, and children in Waukesha County - serving more than half of all of those struggling with homeless in our community.  

Our Services

  • Emergency Shelters

    Emergency Shelters

    Serving individuals and families

  • Rent Assistance

    Rent Assistance

    From young adults to those with disabilities

  • Affordable Housing

    Affordable Housing

    Below market rate for those qualified

  • Supportive Services

    Supportive Services

    Connecting guests to services


7 days a week.

Why we exist

We restore hope and dignity by providing services that end homelessness in our community

What we do

We provide systems and resources to always ensure those struggling with homelessness will find short- and long-term housing solutions.

You Can Help

Whether you donate to help cover our expenses, volunteer your time at one of our houses or attend our annual gala, you can make a difference!